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Frozen Lyrics Perfume Oil - lemon cake, rum accord, pine, plum, poinsettia, snow, and whiskey.

What scent does one think of when they see the words frozen lyrics? Well, ordinarily I'd think along the lines of iciness. I remember the days when I used to play drums and it would be cold outside with icicles on the holly bushes. I'd listen to all kinds of music and when I hear the same music now, years later, I feel like I am frozen in time. It takes me back to all those moments when I lived with my grandmother as a teenager. Everything was cozy and it was home. Her home, my home, always had the loveliest scents of cakes baking in the oven and her house was spotlessly clean, her wood floors scrubbed down with pine oil. She and I would listen to music for hours and I'd sometimes even get her to dance with me. We loved the Beatles, even though they were way before my time but, we listened to all sorts of music. She loved all things 'Gospel' and Elvis was one of her favorites with his gospel music.


This scent takes me back to a time of pure genuine love and safety. My grandma's lemon cakes baking. Rum & whiskey when she made homemade fruit cakes, which took a couple months. And of course, winter. All people should have a time to sit together and listen to music and then years later, that same music and the lyrics will take you back to a time that will forever be frozen in your mind. A good time indeed.

Frozen Lyrics

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