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Store Policy

Scent is personal. Not all scents react the same on everyone's skin and not every scent is for all individuals. What may be one person's joy, may be another person's sorrow. Some people have oily skin and some have dry. This can alter how long a scent stays on that individual.


There are several factors which come into play that affects skin, and in turn, affects scent on the skin. One may have things going on in life that affects their skin at different times such as environment, stress, illness, body chemistry, diet, age, among others. Even the medications one takes can affect scent on the skin. If you're on the fence about a scent, I encourage samples first. Also, if you are one prone to allergic reactions of the skin, please do a small patch test area.


Pregnant women should consult with their physicians about wearing certain essential oils. If you have a question about a particular scent, please contact me via message. I'll be more than happy to assist.

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